On March 23rd, 2015 Denise and her boyfriend Aaron Quinn were awakened by a masked intruder who tied up Aaron and kidnapped Denise.

Denise had a horrific night of being chauffeured, drugged up and then threatened to be mutilated further.

Surprisingly, Denise had escaped, and she came home the next morning.

The case attracted the  attention of national  media.

However, she had to undergo extensive media criticism and accusations of staging the whole ordeal on top of all  those issues.

Misty Carausu, a detective who was working in another town subtly observed the similarities between Huskins’ case.

The investigation of Carausu linked the facts to Matthew Muller.

In 2016, Matthew Muller  pleaded guilty to federal kidnapping charges resulting  in a sentence of forty years.

Netflix has recently released  docuseries named as "American Nightmare" based on this true incident