Watch “Oppenheimer” (2023) Movie Online | Let Set Review

Plot: The movie follows Oppenheimer’s journey, from his bright academic years to his role in developing the world’s most destructive weapon. It provides insight into the moral dilemmas and the enormous stress he was under during this historical moment.

  • Director: Christopher Nolan
  • Cast: Cillian Murphy | Emily Blunt | Matt Damon | Robert Downey Jr. | Florence Pugh
  • Genre: Drama | History
  • Duration: 180 Minutes
  • Released: July 21, 2023
  • Country: United States, United Kingdom
  • Tags: ManhattanProject, AtomicBomb, WorldWarII, JRobertOppenheimer, TheoreticalPhysics

Oppenheimer (2023) Movie Trailer:

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